Teacher of the Month


Welcome to the Teacher of the Month Nomination Page

Hello, esteemed educators of the Tri-County Centre for Education! 

It’s time to roll out the red carpet for our own classroom heroes – yes, that means you and your incredible colleagues! Every month, we’re celebrating the remarkable, the inspirational, and the downright ingenious among us. This is your opportunity to spotlight a peer whose dedication, creativity, and passion for teaching set them apart. Each month, we will recognize one outstanding teacher from each county, for their impactful contributions to their school communities.

Why Nominate a Peer?

  • Acknowledging Excellence: Is there a fellow teacher whose innovative methods, compassionate guidance, or extraordinary commitment to students and learning inspires you? Let’s recognize and honour their efforts!
  • Peer-to-Peer Inspiration: Your nominations are not just accolades; they’re powerful stories that can motivate and inspire us all. Share what makes your nominee exceptional!
  • Strengthening Our Community: Every nomination is a step toward a more interconnected and supportive educational environment. Let’s uplift each other!

How It Works:

  • Monthly Appreciation: Each month, we’ll announce the “Teacher of the Month,” based on your heartfelt nominations. One teacher from each county will be selected based on a monthly theme.
  • Sweet and Simple: Simply fill out the form with your nominee’s name and a brief description of why they deserve this recognition.
  • An Inclusive Space: All staff within TCRCE are eligible to nominate an NSTU staff member. Let’s celebrate the diversity and excellence among us!
  • Mark Your Calendars: Nominations will open on the first Monday of each month and will close on the last Friday of each month. Then, the selection committee will review the nominations and share the names of the winners the following month. Check back here monthly for the new theme.

Ready to cast a spotlight on a deserving colleague? Fill in the form by clicking the link below or scanning the QR code.

We are looking to celebrate teachers who best meet the following key indicators:

  • Building trust and rapport through positive and respectful relationships with other members of the school and school community.

  • Supporting colleagues through listening actively, showing empathy, Giving feedback and acknowledging achievements and challenges.
  • Educators who take an active role in the process of coaching and mentoring students, colleagues, etc.
