2023-2024 Bus Stop Information

Parents of Pre-Primary enrolled students will be contacted by your schools Early Child Educator for Bus stop information.

Bus stop information shown in the following program is your students nearest bus stop. If your child is currently registered, has recently graduated, or will be changing schools within catchment a bus stop has been created for them.

As the Transportation Dept. is strictly regulated by the Motor Carrier Act and Provincial Transportation Policy for Bus stops and distances permitted within every route, Busses cannot stop more then 3 times within 1.6km.

TCRCE Policies

Every Bus stop must be measured and approved.
In the rare event information is not produced, you may submit a request in the “Request Transportation” link on the bottom of the page within the comment section.

Students must be at the designated bus Stop a minimum of five minutes before their scheduled pick-up time. The Bus Driver is not required to wait for a student that is not at the Bus Stop by the scheduled pick-up time.

To access bus stop information, click Bus Planner Web. Click, Can I Ride A Bus – Enter your students civic address, road/street name, community and grade level – Click Submit. Next page displayed will show, Bus route number, pickup and drop-off time, Bus stop Civic address for both morning and afternoon.

We recommend that you check often, especially after August 15 as routes and bus stops are adjusted through summer months.