TCRCE Letter from Dr. Boulter Sept. 11/20

Dear TCRCE Families:

Hello, everyone.  I wanted to conclude our first week back in school in the Tri-County Regional Centre for Education by expressing how wonderful it is to have students back in school. We know this is the best place for children, and TCRCE staff are hard at work creating a rich learning environment for them. We had a great first week back throughout the Region!

TCRCE continues to abide by many public health measures, including those pertaining to masks. Students in grades 4 to 12, as well as all school staff, are required to wear masks in the school when they are unable to physically distance by 2 metres. This includes hallways and common areas. In the classroom, this means that students will wear a mask if they are unable to be seated 2 metres apart and facing in the same direction. All children and students who ride a school bus are required to wear a mask when on the school bus, regardless of age or grade level.

I truly appreciate everyone’s cooperation and flexibility in enacting these public health measures. Our goal is to continue to have our schools open to all students. Though epidemiology within the community could have an impact on this in the future, we know that continuing to practice public health measures in our schools will play a significant role in keeping them open. That’s what we all want. It is our shared responsibility to protect each other.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. All the best.

Dr. Chris Boulter

Regional Executive Director, TCRCE