Support to Help Deal with Grief & Loss

Dealing with the death of a loved one or friend is difficult for people of all ages and particularly challenging for children who may be experiencing their first loss. We’d like to share resources that could be helpful as you respond to your child’s concerns. Everyone deals with death in their own way, and children of varying ages and maturity levels will show their grief differently. They may be overwhelmed, be sad, experience anger, act out of character, and ask numerous questions. It is also normal for adults to be uncertain how best to respond to children during this time. We hope that the attached handouts are helpful when trying to support children. This information shares tips on how to talk to children about death, how to answer common questions, and recommended books. Additionally, the confidential 24/7 Kids Help Phone is available at 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868.

Click here to view an IWK handout on dealing with grief and loss.

Click here for book recommendations on how to cope with loss and grief.