It’s now December and the excitement of the holiday season is already in the air throughout our schools. Celebrations will look different this year. Teachers and staff are getting creative so students can still mark the holidays with safe activities.
Our schools continue to follow all the Public Health guidelines and protocols that were established at the beginning of the school year. This includes, hand washing, sanitizing, social distancing and cohorting where possible, students wearing masks (in accordance to Nova Scotia’s Back to School Plan), and masks worn by staff. Health experts tell us school is the best place for children and all TCRCE currently remain open.
TCRCE has been preparing for a number of learning scenarios, should Public Health advise us that we need to move to a blended or at home learning model. You can read more about TCRCE’s planning in this month’s Regional Executive Director’s message on page 2 of the newsletter. You’ll also find a story about the Ancestral Roots Reboot, a spotlight on two teachers, and a number of photos from around the region.
Please click here to read the full newsletter.