We are still in need of a few more families to host international students in September.
Students are here from one month to a full year and come from 37 different countries. The Nova Scotia International Student Program team is committed to make your experience great.
Spots still available:
1) Digby: 3-4 more families needed
2) Weymouth: 2-3 more families needed
3) Yarmouth: 2-3 more families needed
4) Drumlin: 6-7 more families needed
5) Barrington: 2-3 more families needed
6) Shelburne: 2-3 more families needed
7) Lockeport: 1 more family needed
8) Digby Neck/Islands: 2 more families needed
Host families receive $725/month per student and can host up to three students if they have suitable rooms.
For more info or to apply visit www.tcrce.ca/host.
If you’re interested in trying out hosting but aren’t sure about making a commitment, please let us know. We also need a few families to take students when another family is travelling for a day or two, as an example.
You can also receive compensation for successful referrals. If you know someone who may be interested in hosting, please pass along this information. For every successful referral you make, you will receive $100.