All students need the knowledge and skills to lead independent and purposeful lives. Students will attain these to varying degrees depending on the interaction among several factors, including the nature and degree of the student’s exceptional needs, the motivation of the student, and the cooperation and communication among school, parents/guardians and community support systems.
Most students with exceptionalities can have their needs met in regular classrooms through the use of a variety of teaching and evaluation strategies, materials, and support personnel. However, a small number of students may require an alternative classroom environment for success. Some students may require additional services on an ongoing basis for most of their school experience; others may require these services on a short-term or periodic basis.
The number of personnel involved will vary according to the needs of the student within the school setting. Student Services’ involvement can begin within a student’s academic career as early as transitioning into grade Primary and may continue until the student transitions out of High School. Support at the school level should be available, when necessary, to assist classroom teachers in meeting the needs of students.
School-based teams may include classroom teachers, resource teachers, school /Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Student Services Consultants, Autism Support Teachers, Learning Disabilities Support Teachers, Schools Plus staff, school administrators, board personnel and other relevant school staff providing support. Every effort is made to involve parents/guardians from the outset and throughout all aspects of service delivery, including identification, assessment, program planning and evaluation.